10 hot celebs you wish to see in porn
You know that – watching a movie where beautiful actress with wonderful body appears and the director prepared even a love scene. However the actresses care a lot not to show more than is suitable and to keep the scene its value apart from porn. But we as men sometimes get dirty thoughts, how would this girl look like naked or the more courageous of us go further and ask themselves why this chick doesn’t make some porn. We bring a list of celebrities to you that are probably wanted to be seen by every heterosexual man. In this article we have a look at top world celebrities and in the next part we are going to come over the Czech top 5.
Paris Hilton
Celebrity nuber one. Typical stupid blonde with an innocent face. Too skinny, small breasts, not the kind of girl on which would all the men agree. She herself isn’t so nice, but what about her reputation, manners, naivety and low IQ. That makes the highest and the most exciting aim of all out of her. A few pieces of hot stuff can be found on the internet.

Megan Fox
Maybe the most charming actress of all. Even she appeared in Two and half men, most of the world remember her thanks to role in The Transformers, where her strengths were presented in a daring way. She’s aware of her beauty very well, does modelling and the directors put her in parts of young attractive women (How to lose friends & alienate people, Jennifer’s body). She made some saucy photos, but never revealed everything and we can very likely just dream about her porn.

Jessica Alba
The queen of beauty of whole Hollywood. Just thirty with charming eyes, perfect body and an attractive smile. Many of us remember her in Sin City or Fantastic four. She’s fair and mature women, whose naked charms won’t be seen so easily.

Miley Cyrus
Actress, singer, writer. She became famous as a star of Hannah Montana. She’s just 20 and already appeared in the Forbes chart on the 29th place. She makes living mostly by singing and concerts, but day to day we can capture her in movies like The last song or the high school musical.

Lindsay Lohan
Another one from the very most desirable American actresses. She was born in 1986 and tried the fame of filming in 1997 in The king of the hill, later she acted in some soap operas and then she finally got to fair movies (Freaky Friday, The holiday, Machete). She’s got troubles with alcohol and drugs and also has spent some time in prison.

[MJ, translated by Lucie Šafratová 10/10/2012]