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Michael Jackson

His nick was King of Pop. He is legendary. He was born like a Negro, but he died like a white man. He is author of moonwalk dance. He had a lot of fans. He had ranch Neverland. Yes, we are speaking about deceased singer Michael Jackson.


He was born at 29th August 1958 in Indiana, USA in Family which had 10 children together. From childhood had he abilities. From year 1964 played he in music group of his brothers and then he was frontman of this group called Jackson five (or The Jacksons too). But he had a little bigger skill than his brothers, he was too good to be in group together. A hit called Got to Be There from 1972 was his first solo product. After that experienced drastic grow and he become celebrity. Here is a list of his albums with year of production.


It was studio albums, but he made a lot of singles, too. Most popular are for example Black or white (1991) or In the Closet (1992). Important part of his creation are video-clips too, in which he not only sings, but dances too. We recommend: Black or White, History, Earth Song, They Don’t Care About Us, Stranger in Moscow. Everybody has got different taste, it isn’t problem go to youtube and enjoy more video-clips. There are plenitude of them.

Michael wasn’t only singer. He had big choreography talent, he is author of moonwalk dance – it means dancer give legs in front of him (it looks he go forwardly), but he go back really. Jackson was songwriter, product-man, choreographer and he was talented actor too (for example movie about scary house). He could play piano, percussion, guitar and bass-guitar.

Through his life was changing his face, because he was ill by sickness vitiligo, what change her black face to white face (because of lost of pigment). He passed a lot of plastic operations (the first one was in 1979 by the accident, after that he wanted some smaller change with his nose and he had left make dimple in the genion). He had some problems with sexual harassing about small children (boys), he was in very big stress, but the lawcourt discharged him.

He planned colossal comeback and doing of some concerts and albums, but destiny wanted it another. 25th June failed his health. He was taken to the hospital, but after resuscitate go was clear he is dead. He isn’t physically between us, but he lives in the radio, TV and in hearts of his fans.



Earth Song


They donť care about us
Source of images:
[MJ 29.6.2009]

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