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Tereza Maxova
24th October 2008
I will write about life of world-famous model who has a heart of pure gold in this article. Tereza Maxová was born in Pardubice on 31st of August 1971.
She inherited her extraordinary appearance from her parents. That combination gave to this beautiful woman porcelain skin, smooth visage and a face, which has no signs of aging.
She was admitted to Faculty of laws on Charles University in Prague after her grammar school studies. She joined in a recruitment of one French modeling agency with a dream of traveling and new experiences. Her professional career begun in 1989, when she left to Paris. So she threw away
a desire to be a lawyer and she headed to a model career.
Tereza was and still is an ideal model. „It wasn´t only her breathtaking looks, which made her the face of 90s. Photographers and stylists, who collaborated with her for years, always highly appreciated her professional attitude, energy and resoluteness,“ says Juergen Wagner from Next Models agency.
She became so cherished, that she was a cover girl of British Vogue, also Elle,Marie Claire and Glamour. She was also a part of all outstanding fashion shows – Dior, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, YSL, Ralph Lauren and she was a face of advertising campaigns for what a brands such as Karl Lagerfeld, Donna Karan, Hermés, La Perla, Vichy and L´Oreal really are.
She decided, that her help to abandon children will be long-term, when she visited infant institute in Prague in 1996. A non-profit association carrying the name of Tereza Maxová was established on the day of 1.22.1997.
This association engages in real help to disadvantaged children growing up in a hospital treatment or a surrogate parents care. When we get a feedback, we shall see many child dreams, which were filled, many projects, which were realized and help, which was provided to the most needed children. Tereza Maxová association redistributed for its lifetime over than 130 million Czech crowns to children.
Tereza got married with a front Danish tennis player Frederik Fetterlein in Denmark on the 18th of March 2000. She has a son Tobias Joshua Fetterlein(9.9.2000) with him. But she has divorced with him and she still hasn´t introduced new boyfriend.
Tereza Maxová interview
Are you still so work buzzy, can you reveal how much do you work a day? Can you properly sleep at all?
The sleep is basic. I can´t deny it. I advise 12 hours to children, which is my goal, but I can only envy to my little Toby. Due to time gaps and traveling is my sleep unpredictable thing. Unfortunately, I´m not one of the lucky people, who has regular work and sleep routine.
When Tereza Maxová is said, most people visualize you in gorgeous dress on a catwalk. But you also devote to your association, which cares mainly of abandon children. Which one of these activity do you prefer more?
The work makes me living and association amuses me...The work gave me liberty and thanks to association i have a feeling, that i haven´t dawdle that 11 years and i did what has a sense.
Can you disclose to us, which one of your work success of late are you proud?
Certainly that Oriflame has renew my year contract. I recently take photos with Bryan Adams,
a story called „Dead Cool“. Right, he slightly surprised me, that he chosen me to a „skeleton“
theme, but what. Lastly, it was okay. His Make-up woman interpreted it really originatively.
How did the idea of association establishing bring forth in your mind that years ago?
The association arose spontaneously and by chance. I visited Prague infant institute firstly in 1996. The environment, which reminded me no family, stuck in my memory. I haven´t suspected until that time, that so many children are growing up in institutes and i found it unfair, that somebody suffers from irresponsibility of adults. So I decided to do something with that.
Do you think that you as a beautiful woman can better soften sponsors hearts to put up some money?
I don´t think that. Definitely, I don´t use woman weapons, because these problems are so serious and sensitive, that if I would come to an appointment on a high heels and with decolletage, i think, that it could rather harm the whole thing. I make an effort to tip off on fact, that Czech republic is the leading country in Europe with the number of children in a hospital treatment and this is a very sad primacy. Certainly personal experience and familiarity with the environment helps me.
What are your another favourite brands?
Prada, Chloé, Marc Jacobs, Missoni, I love Puma sweats too.
Do you prefer classic model of family or do you support even homosexual couples adoption?
I agree what doctor Matějček used to say: „Parents are not that ones, to whom child was born, but that ones, who behave as a parents. “ If you behave as a parent, are you able to give a background and love to child, than it doesn´t matter if you are a homosexual, elder or a disabled man. You are a great parent and that´s the most important thing!

Tereza Maxová - Celebrities příspěvky

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