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 -  02/16/2025
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Home page  Film and Cinema  Czech Film  Tobruk  

Genre: Drama/Wartime
Czech Republic, 2008
Director: Václav Marhoul
For more than one year I have been looking forward for this unique war movie. I observe every news about military training of actors, of their anabasis in desert. When finally the trailer went out, I wasn´t disappointed. Honestly, the trailer tells you lots of about this movie. Václav Marhoul doesn´t offer a hero´s action show, doesn´t offer any romantic story as you know as Pearl Harbor or Dark blue world. It seems like antiwar movie like roman All Quiet on the Western Front by Remarq.
It is a year 1941 and in Africa are fights as well as on the whole planet.
The 11th Czechoslovakia ensign – east one had a project to support British crew in Tobruk. The whole area is in investment force axes. Tobruk´s rats: English, Australian, New Zealand, Polish and Czech soldiers. Their project is to keep militant line. And they got it!
The movie describe destiny about two new Czech soldiers.We will see their training, how they spent their free time and moreover we look into their souls. In the movie will be sorrow, chicane, hate, regret and more feelings which the war brings. Soldiers find out that the war is not about heros, but about someting else…They have only each other and of course their weapons..Everywhere is smell, sun, mosquitos, flies, blad. The death is everywhere. Soldiers are here know like a people, not like a hero.Nice, bad, clever, silly, gutless.
Battle scenes are very well done here, in a fact it is a Czech movie.Gunbattles, restrain fort. You couldn´t find lots of well know actors in thie movie so thats why it is more anonymous. On the other hand some scenes aren´t very trustful and some of catch could be long. But this is more for the atmosfere there, desperation and fear. The soldiers will be strong, brave men who fight because of their country and as well as their life…. I can recommend this movie to everyone, but I know it is not for everybody. On the other hand in this movie is one of the best graphic of war. It is about heros who spent their life for us….
·          www.tobruk.cz 

Tobruk - Czech Film - Film and Cinema příspěvky

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