Web4Men - Men's LifeStyle Magazine
 -  02/17/2025
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Home page  Health  

Healthy life style or healthy way of living are term, which are very popular last time. What can we imagine about it? Simple way of living of all from us, which affects our physical and psyche health. It is made with many factors. Between them belong way of eating, moving activity, dependency on substances (alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, medicaments and drugs), number of sleeping, ideal body weight, ability relax and active rest, number of stress, which is all over the place, and a lot of next problems. Modern man shouldn’t be shy to join to the rules of healthy life and try to prevent civilisation sickness. There are a lot of factors, in which we are behind the women, because in EU countries men die about 6 years earlier than women.
We decided to open new rubric – dare to health and give publicity to interesting and we hope usefully information about health and healthy life style. If you have interest, share your opinions on this theme.

Health příspěvky

Although nobody denies harmful impact of sunbathing and smoking on our health, solariums and tobacco companies do their best making their potential customers thinking in the other way. The latest...
6.4.2010 13:36:33 | Nick: JirkaPraha
Scientists claims, that if you sit for longer period of time and even if you regularly exercise, it can be harmful for your body. And it doesn't depend on where you sit - if in the office, in the...
29.1.2010 12:52:37 | Nick: JirkaPraha

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