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 -  10/25/2024
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India Launches Its First Lunar Probe

India launched its first milion to moon named Chandrayaan-I using PSLV C-11 which took off from Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota.
Once Chandrayaan-1 enters lunar orbit, Indian Space Research Organization would become the 6th space agency to have successfully sent a probe to the moon after USA, USSR/Russia, ESA, Japan and China.
India's next mission to moon will take-off by 2010 and is named Chandrayaan-2. It would place a rover on the lunar surface to make further experiments. India also plans manned mission to space by 2014 and manned moon mission by 2020.
And for those concerned, this mission to moon costed India about $100 million, which is less than .0001% of the country's annual GDP. Besides, India's space agency generates more revenues through the services they provide than the amount the Indian government spends on it. So, any concerns about poverty in India being neglected and emphasis being paid on space exploration are baseless.
Many speculate that this launch might trigger an Asian Space Race between China, India, Japan and South Korea. But India has already stated that it wants to collaborate with other space agencies in mankind's quest for unraveling the secrets of the universe.


India Launches Its First Lunar Probe příspěvky

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