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Get all the information or hardware you need from Micro Mart and Ebuyer. Micro Mart has the latest news and reviews on hardware and software. There is also a good forum where every day users give advice on the best components to suit your budget and use as well as helping out with any problems you are having with hardware or software.
Ebuyer is a great resource for all your hardware requirements, whether it is a new system or just new components to upgrade your existing system. It also has very useful user reviews to so you can see what every day people think about the hardware before you buy it. Great prices on most things to.

Hardware - PC, Games and Internet články

Hardware - PC, Games and Internet příspěvky

About a year ago, we heard about the ambitions of creating the second-generation OLPC with dual touchscreen displays. The configuration got you to open the little laptop like a book, removing the...
10.3.2009 08:35:17 | Nick: JirkaPraha
A wink, a smile or a raised eyebrow could soon change the music on your iPod or start up the washing machine, thanks to a new Japanese gadget. The device looks like a normal set of headphones but...
9.3.2009 11:39:17 | Nick: JirkaPraha
Do you like stuffs, which can operate more things at once? Than you will certainly fancy these handy USB speakers. Besides speakers it´s also 4 ports hub and digital alarm-clock. It worths 18 dollars...
31.10.2008 09:07:35 | Nick: JirkaPraha
If you didn't already suffer from broadband envy, prepare to turn green: homes in Japan are set to get a 1Gb/s connection to the 'net. According to a Japan Today article quoted by Slashdot user...
2.10.2008 09:06:03 | Nick: JirkaPraha
3M will soon launch what it claims to be the first pocket projector in the market, the MPro110. Oh sure, Aiptek promised us something similar with its PocketCinema V10 before. Rumors even said that...
1.10.2008 14:39:21 | Nick: JirkaPraha
Thermaltake has finally got the latest PC cooling technology - XPRESSAR ready for the market! The XPRESSAR RCS100 utilizes the first DC inverter type micro refrigeration cooling system making it the...

23.9.2008 10:41:32 | Nick: JirkaPraha

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