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Mobile phones - Science and Technics příspěvky

/HP World/ Chine company In Technology presented on the expo Computex in China Taipei a first mobile phone with operating system Windows XP. Chine producers made very interesting, sometimes...
Mobile phones
14.7.2009 09:55:49 | Nick: JirkaPraha
Apple published new software update v2.4 for Apple TV and definitely it entranced in to the arena of companies like Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony. Updated Apple TV functional in combination OS 3.0 and...
Mobile phones
2.7.2009 12:51:38 | Nick: JirkaPraha
Just last week we brought you news of the Blue-Earth, Samsung’s new solar powered touch phone. Well, it turns out that they are not the only company with solar dreams. Chinese mobile manufacturer ZTE...
Mobile phones
18.3.2009 13:59:58 | Nick: JirkaPraha
Just a few days shy of one full year after Sling Media announced that they’d be porting SlingPlayer Mobile to BlackBerry, things are finally coming to fruition. On December 30th, anybody and...
Mobile phones
18.12.2008 09:59:08 | Nick: JirkaPraha
It doesn't get much more epic than this. The Apple iPod Classic is the undisputed (until now) titan of high-capacity MP3 players, with a rich legacy dating back to 2001. Its rival, the Microsoft...
Mobile phones
25.9.2008 14:08:46 | Nick: Charlie

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