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Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary belongs to most attractive and most visited cities of the Czech Republic and like a bath is popular not only in our country, but in all the world. The city is situated on junction of rivers Ohře and Teplá cca 120 km from capital city Prague and it has rich history. It was founded on Karel IV. age (year 1349). In old legends this king found springs of water by hunting a deer, that’s why called “Karlovy Vary”. On 1370 Karel IV.gave to the city freedom and rights like another king’s cities, Karlovy Vary had a bath rights too.


In 17th century, in the thirty years war was breakdown of the tourism in the city, but neither WW1 nor WW2 didn’t paralysis Karlovy Vary. Contra it very quickly live again and prosper because of rich immigrants. To this date is Karlovy Vary very attractive for other visitors. The oldest buildings in Karlovy Vary are from Renaissance, all above from “golden age” of Karl’s baths. Originally Romanic and Gothic buildings aren’t keeping.


Bath center is situated in meanders of river Teplá. Buildings of public city baths – Baths I (alias Emperors baths) have got horseshoe platform with the big internal atrium.

They are near to Grandhotel PUPP*****, Karlovy Vary a Parkhotel PUPP*****, Karlovy Vary. By and by was created bath’s facilities Bath II and III, but they aren’t so beautiful like Bath I. To the bath Karlovy Vary belong colonnades too. There are three the most popular places (Zámecká kolonáda, Dřevěná kolonáda, Mlýnská kolonáda) aboard the river Teplá. It offers rest walk and drinking the thermal water to the visitors. If you go down the river from Grandhotel PUPP*****, Karlovy Vary, you can look up to a lot of bath’s buildings in Renaissance, Gothic and Baroque style. Between them, direct by Divadelní lávka, is situated Hotel Kučera, Karlovy Vary. 100 meters further you can visit the most visiting colonnade, hotel Romance-Puskin, Karlovy Vary is near.


Zámecká kolonáda  is situated in the oldest part of the city on the foot of rock, where you can find ruin of gothic castle with Zámeckou věž (Castle tower), which is the oldest object in Karlovy Vary. It is late hunting residency (king Karel IV.). In this day isn’t the tower public available, in next time will be there museum.

Between Zámecká a Vřídelní kolonáda is situated Hotel Ester*****, Karlovy Vary and next step this way move you to prestige bath quarter called Westend. Here you find popular, orthodox church, near of them stands great bath building Hotel Best Western ELISKA***, Karlovy Vary. CCa 100 meters further, in nice forest scenery, stands bath’s Hotel Smetana****, Karlovy Vary.


Author of next colonadde (Mlýnská kolonáda), is popular architect Josef Zítek. Building has portico hall split by corints column. The hall has got place for orchestra in the middle.

The next in our series is Tržní kolonáda (Market colonnade). It was founded in 19th century and it makes base for Skalní kolonáda (Rock colonnade), which is situated by the rock behind the wood market buildings. Here builds new complex with rebuilded originally Ohmann’s elevator, because of it exists barrier free entry between Market place and plat by castle tower. The last from colonnades called “Sadová kolonáda” and you can find it in “Dvořakovy sady”. In every colonnade you find thermal spring of water. There are 12 springs of water together in Karlovy Vary. The most popular are spring water “Vřídlo”, “Rusalka”, “pramen Karla IV”, “Kníže Václav”, and the other. In Karlovy Vary are more places, which are good to visiting. On the tip of “Zámecký vrch” stands complex of castle baths. It was build by architect Ohmann, originally function was only colonnade. Building is construct avant-garde, by the time was reconstructed to final design.


If we go back from colonnades to Grandhotel PUPP*****, Karlovy Vary and go further up the river Teplá, we don’t forget important 5dome building of orthodox church St. Peter und Pavel on King Jiří street (nedaleko Hotel Smetana****, Karlovy Vary) or the church St. Peter and Pavel in “Marianskolazenska ulice” (between Pension Villa Basileia***, Karlovy Vary and hotel Eboli). Important is Anglican Church St. Luchas on “Zámecký vrch”. This way goes a lot bath’s walk, which ends with lookout and towers (e.g. look-tower Diana 547 meters over the world’s ocean). It stands on “Výšina přátelství” and is available by wire rope way from Grandhotel PUPP*****, Karlovy Vary, “Vyhlídka Karla IV on the Grandhotel PUP*****, Karlovy Vary or Goethe’s look-out on “Vrch věčného života”. It was favorite place of literary man Goethe.

Many tourists visited Karlovy Vary because of healing a lot of ills. In Karlovy Vary is possible healing digestion (stomach, bowels, liver, gall, pancreas) and failure of material changing like sugarbeet, cholesterol, trouble with spinal column and joints.



Karlovy Vary - Czech and Slovak Republic - Travel příspěvky

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