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Scotch whisky fans from all over Central and Eastern Europe were brought to Prague for an original Johnnie Walker Black Label® experience.

The Black Label Unseen event took place on October 9th in Prague’s "Pod křídlem noci" [Under the Wings of Night] restaurant. Over the course of the evening, guests of Johnnie Walker were treated to a luxury dining experience...with a unique and exciting twist.

From the moment they walked into "Pod křídlem noci” (a contained, pitch black, dining room) guests were temporarily unable to see for the duration of the evening. This forced guests, in a light hearted way, to reappraise their senses by first learning how to feel for cutlery and glasses and then to re-adjust when it came to eating the meal.

The four flavours of Johnnie Walker Black Label were gradually revealed to the guests throughout the evening, as part of a four-course tasting menu with each of the courses representing one of them: fresh fruit, rich fruit, smoky and vanilla.

Dining in the dark was a truly intriguing and captivating concept which allowed guests to experience their sensations to the fullest degree, allowing them appreciate Johnnie Walker Black Label's depth and substance. The meal ended with a Johnnie Walker whisky tasting session in the dark led by an experienced ambassador directly from Scotland, Daryl Haldane.

"Every drop in Johnnie Walker Black Label ® bottle is created by mixing 40 different kinds of whisky. Johnnie Walker has access to more than 6 million casks maturing in Scotland from which they year after year taste and select each cask to go into Johnnie Walker Black Label. Clearly, the enjoyment of such quality requires a special atmosphere, which is exactly what we decided to offer our guests in Prague," says Vladimíra Formánková, marketing manager for Central and Eastern Europe for the Johnnie Walker brand.

"The delicate nuances and surprising variety of flavours, you can enjoy in every drink of Johnnie Walker Black Label®, were explored even more, when we could not use our dominant sense - sight - as our senses of taste and smell were amlified. We all enjoyed its hidden depths - the smokiness of peat with deep fruity notes and delicate hints of sweet vanilla and raisins" explains Vladimíra Formánková.
Nick: JirkaPraha, 16.10.2008 10:43:02
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