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Gramophone records are back. Musical stars love them again and they distribute exclusive limited edition. Only for USA the biggest producer of gramophone discs makes in Czech town Loděnice one hundred tons of vinyls per year and interest for them increases. Between musical fans increase number of disco-lovers, which love beautiful packet and original sound gramo-discs.

“This sound is for many people more enjoyable than rustic digital one”, explained general director Digital media Loděnice Zdeněk Pelc. “It is new creative object, which isn’t possible to copy and pirate take” It is artifact,” said musical publicist Tadeáš Haager. Into Europe vinyl boom only at that time comes. For example U2 or Radiohead returns to gramophonic discs.

“In USA are gramophonic records popular. We send there six to eight tons of discs week by week”, said Pelc. “Percents of selling are amazing. 4 years ago, when started gramophonic comeback, increased selling about 87 percent, in year 2007 about next forty percent and today it is about fifty percent,” said Haager. Lovers of vinyls can rejoice since September on world new. In Loděnice researched new software, which makes up mechanical overwrite record. Company offers even gramo-discs with original design.

Nick: JirkaPraha, 17.9.2009 11:01:09
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