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Thousands fans of American singer Michael Jackson, who died 25th June 50 years old, said goodbye in Tuesday with “king of pop” in Los Angeles on public funeral. More hundredmillions people on all World watched burial in TV.

Public leave-taking with the singer started American star Smokey Robinson with reading message from ex-president of South-Africa Nelson Mandela. “He was our near friend… Michael was giant and legend of music industry. My wife and me mourn with millions people on the World.” quoted Mendel’s words.

By singing gospel choral was taken casket with his body in front of podium, on which was epigraph “We remember in Michael Jackson – king of pop (1958 – 2009) with love”. After short speech of churchman Lucious Smith got off singers Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz with Jackson song Iľl Be There. After speech of Queen Latifah, who marked Jackson like the biggest star on the world, singed Lionel Ritchie.

On Jackson remember author of music distribution Motown Berry Gordy. “When he did his cult moonwalk, I was shocking. It was a magic” said Gordy, but he reminded some difficult moment of singer’s life, too. Cutting Jackson’s clips and catching from his life was before get-off singer Stevie Wonder. “This is moment, which I not wanted to see. We need Michael here, but God needs him more.” said Wonder.

Star basket-men Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson remember on Jackson together. Jennifer Hudson then sung Jackson’s hit Will You Be There and in end of the song sounded Jackson’s voice and it got tears in the eyes of many fans.

Heated speech churchman Ala Sharpton merited several times over applause of audience. “It was Michael, who could get together white and black people, Asian and Latin Americans… From his childhood to today he lived his dream and he did never throw over. He changed world his way of live.” said Sharpton. Actress Brooke Shields remember impressed, she told, how she met Jackson in his 13 years first time. “We both must grow up early, but when we were together, we were like small children, which rejoice. Michael loved laugh.” said visibly touched Shields.

On Jackson remember not only competitor of goodbay, but millions of more Americans. Mobs are on New York’s Times Square and in quarter Harlem, too. Into the town Gary in Indiana, where was Jackson born, came fans all day and remembering was in Detroit or in Washington.

Police expected that funeral lure in to streets of Los Angeles together quarter-million people. A lot of them came from foreign countries, for example from France or Brasilia. Air traffic companies registration increased interest about fly-ticket to the Los Angeles. Count of reservation in local hotel increased too.

Jackson was one from most successful person of pop music all the time. His albums are selling for tens-millions pieces. In recent year was his popular a little smaller, but his death increased interest about his recording.
Nick: JirkaPraha, 13.7.2009 14:11:28
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