
Czech Republic can trot out another world unique. American photographer Jeffrey Martin, who lives in Czech Republic since year 1999, just made greatest spheric panoramic picture on the world, which shows beauty of whole capitol city in angle of 360°
Entire project was created just only with digital Single-lens reflex camera with objective disposing 200mm focus point. Jeffrey Martin simply went up on Žižkov television broadcaster, from where he created hundreds of pictures of Prague all around in largest resolution possible. Photoshoot took whole hours and so you can see that on one part of Prague is slightly darker than on the other.
It took several hours to do this enormous photoshoot, but even far more work-intensive was to connect all the pictures one at the time to make them together create a lovely and true picture of Prague. Martin finished his work after few weeks this year in December and final image of the largest spheric panoramic picture is put on the server 360cities.net.
Picture has resolution 192 000 x 96 000 pixels. If you would like to print this picture in photo quality on the paper, it will be long approximately 16 meters. Quality of the picture is that good that after zooming you can see who was during a photoshoot walking a dog or crossing a driveway aside zebra crossing.
Directly on the web you can see and explore the panoramic picture all around by moving with the mouse or by arrows on your keyboard. To zoom in or zoom out you can use scrolling wheel on your mouse or keys ctrl and shift.
This map enables you to see less "data" and would not let you to see every corner of the metropole like Google Street View, but thanks to the magic of perspective it surprises by unexpected view, where even a native Prague born person can get lost. You can see large-scale suburbs, on the horizon there is České středohoří or Říp.
Nick: JirkaPraha,
3.1.2010 10:18:34
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